‘Call 9-1-1!’ He started checking for unlocked doors. ‘Let’s break a window.’ I could see desperation on his face.’: Kind strangers help a woman after seizures cause terrifying car crash

“’Oh no, please don’t let that car tumble over the bridge!’ I said. The older gentleman looked my way. ‘Let’s break a window,’ he said. He searched his vehicle to find something with no luck. I looked around and now saw a huge semi slow and pull over on this tiny shoulder too. A SEMI! As I drove away, I knew I had made a difference that day.”

‘Every time Rich comes to deliver, I’m in nice clothes. As his eyes climbed up, he stopped at my chest and looked away.’: Mom suffers hilarious wardrobe malfunction during delivery, ‘There were two dark dots staring at him’

“I heard a knock, and I knew it was Rich. My beloved. Bringer of dreams. Rich gave me his million dollar smile then the color drained from his face. I shut the door, go to the mirror to check out the damage. There were two dark dots staring at him.”

‘He never complained; he just chugged along. It wasn’t easy. It almost felt like I was running.’: Wheelchair user with terminal illness thanks friend for his act of kindness

“There are many things I struggle with in regards to living with a terminal illness. Even if I did just a 5k one day, I could knock it off my list and enjoy the experience. Well, I sat on that goal for too long, and it never came to be. Fast forward to today: I came the closest I will to meeting that goal.”

‘It was my 15th wedding anniversary. Her daughter messaged me, ‘She isn’t doing very well.’ I started bawling. ‘I have to go see her. I can’t miss this again.’: Medevac dispatcher drives a thousand miles to meet client with terminal cancer

“She became like a second mom to me. I dropped everything in my hectic and crazy life to drive thousands of miles to see someone I love and adore. She couldn’t believe I was there. I’d only ever spoken to on the phone for the last 3 years.”

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