“Practicing personal development as a couple is you are constantly communicating freely and truly, you learn about yourself, each other, and you both as a couple.”
- Love What Matters
- Lesbian
“Practicing personal development as a couple is you are constantly communicating freely and truly, you learn about yourself, each other, and you both as a couple.”
“After the second or third date, she called it off. It absolutely broke me, which felt silly after such a short period of time, but I didn’t want to lose her before I even had her.”
“It was supposed to be a happy day, but I had so many fears about something going wrong. I think Patrick did, too. Both of us sat in the courtroom holding each other’s hands. Jen had to keep reminding us everything was going to be okay.”
“I knew immediately I had never met anyone like Megan, and this was it. This was the person I didn’t believe existed.”
“While it’s everything we’ve wanted for so long, it does have its challenges.”
“Coming out is a process, and it’s not a one-time thing. It’s messy, but messy is normal.”
“My ex-husband and I are divorced, but we are still a family. The concept of a ‘divorced family’ seems like an oxymoron, but it’s how we have chosen to live our lives post-divorce.”
“I’m sick of justifying myself. I’m sick of defending myself. I’m sick of crying for my inner child who had to hide.”