‘Dear Snowflake, I hope you can come this year. I haven’t seen you in two years. Love, Quinn.’ I BROKE. This was HIS thing—he had a childlike enthusiasm for Christmas. How can I do it without him?’: Widowed mom shares hope for ‘a little Christmas magic’

“I swear I packed Snowflake and all of her accessories Matt bought over the years to make her laugh. When I unpacked, she was nowhere to be found. I thought maybe she would forget. She did not.”

‘You never leave. You ruin EVERYTHING. To some people, you’re just ‘a feeling.’ But I KNOW you’re the d*mn devil.’: ‘Husband with wife suffering from anxiety says ‘I’ll be there to remind her she ISN’T alone’

“I can’t simply say to my wife, who’s curled up in the fetal position, shaking and crying, trying to dodge your incoming blows, ‘There’s nothing to worry about.’ She knows that. But I love her harder than you’ll EVER hit her.”

‘I called my husband at 2 a.m. and quietly sobbed, ‘I need help.’ Christmas was no longer a safe space for me.’: New mom battles depression, ‘For the first time in years, there’s peace in my home’

“My husband made me a promise. ‘We’ll have our own Christmas tree next year.’ I felt hope for the first time in 3 years. My mental health waned as the pandemic continued with no end in sight. But I kept coming back to his promise and what it meant to me.”

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