Taylor Moberg was swooning when her favorite country star, Cole Swindell, invited her up on stage at his concert in Spokane, WA. And we’re all swooning over her contagious enthusiasm and the pure joy she radiates listening to her favorite singer in concert.

Taylor’s mom, Leslie Moberg, says Taylor has always loved music and dancing, ever since she was a little girl. But country music quickly became her favorite type.
“When a song would come on the radio, she could tell me who sang the song and always knew most, if not all, of the lyrics,” shares Leslie.
Cole Swindell became Taylor’s all-time favorite artist. Her mom says one of her favorite of his songs, ‘You Should Be Here,’ came out about 7 years after she lost her grandpa. This loss hit Taylor pretty hard, but her mom felt this song helped her cope with it.
Taylor loves her music, and she loves going to concerts even more. Taylor’s mom tells us she wears a concert t-shirt every day except Sunday when she goes to church. The minute the music starts, she turns into the ‘dancing queen’ and doesn’t stop for the duration of the event.

“We can’t go to a concert without people coming up to us afterwards to tell us the joy they got watching Taylor dance,” shares Leslie, “…and that she is sometimes more fun to watch than the concert.”
Since Taylor loves concerts so much, the Moberg’s end up going to a lot of them. When COVID hit and concerts ceased for a time, Taylor struggled. Leslie gives us a glimpse into Taylor’s big heart when she said her daughter worried for the safety and health of her favorite country singers during this time.
“When things opened back up and we saw Cole was coming to Spokane, we immediately got tickets,” Leslie tells Love What Matters. Not only were they excited to be able to attend live concerts again, but they were excited about the venue being in their hometown, at a smaller more intimate setting which would allow Taylor to see Cole up close.
“When I told Taylor, she got so excited and talked endlessly about the concert right up until we were at the venue. Her excitement grows the closer the date comes,” explains Leslie. “She is always saying, ‘I can’t wait!'”
The family had an ideal seat, just four rows back, with an aisle in between them and the first three rows, allowing Taylor plenty of room to dance.
“It always touches my heart and makes for a great night when any artist sees and acknowledges our adorable daughter at their concert,” shares Leslie. “Upon leaving a concert, she is usually still dancing and yelling out the artist’s name and how much she loves them, saying they are the best.”
But Cole went beyond acknowledging their sweet ‘dancing queen,’ giving her a night she will never forget.

He noticed her not long after the concert started, as Taylor’s mom acknowledges she’s hard to miss with her awesome dance moves. The country star first waved to Taylor, then came to their side of the stage to blow her a kiss, and eventually asked one of the stage security guys to throw his guitar pick to her.
“I was impressed with how he had acknowledged her so adorably, but I had no idea it was going to get even better,” admits Taylor’s mom.
Cole’s last song of the night was ‘Flatliner,’ Taylor’s ultimate favorite, and the only song she told her mom she specifically hoped he would play.
“I saw him walking over to our side of the stage, kind of pointing to where we were,” shares Leslie. “I thought he was maybe going to have her come up to the front of the stage so he could bend down and take a selfie with her. I had no idea he wanted to bring her up on stage with him.”

“With music, Taylor is uninhibited and can be herself and exhibit the true joy she feels,” Leslie explains. “When Cole came over to bring her up on stage, Taylor never hesitated. I knew from previous experiences she would display that joy on stage. I was thinking, ‘Cole has no idea what he just got himself into.’ But Cole was so sweet and adorable with Taylor and just let her be her.”
During the concert, the family noticed local photographer, Myk Crawford, snapping pictures. “We had no idea his pictures would become so priceless to us. They showed the Taylor we get to experience every day,” said Leslie. “I was so happy to have those photos, but having the selfie Cole took of him and Taylor would be the icing on the cake.”
Taylor’s mom reached out to Cole on Instagram, unsure whether he managed his own account and would even respond. Later that night, she had a personal message from him.
“He included the photo he took with Taylor along with a short message saying he appreciated us coming to the show and to please tell Taylor hello for him. Well, Cole was already at the top of our list of favorites, but then became off the charts,” Leslie gushes. “For him to take the time out of his busy schedule and life, especially while he’s on tour, to send me that selfie and a short message was priceless.”

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