“This is what love looks like.
The other day I had one of those days that are just lousy all the way around.
When I finally pulled myself out of my home office and dragged myself into the kitchen that night, I was completely empty and defeated.
My husband was out shuttling our teens to all the places teens go at night these days and I was alone.
But before he had left the house, my husband took a few minutes to put together this plate for me.
He knew I wasn’t feeling well.
He knew I was exhausted.
He knew I wasn’t feeling seen in many areas of my life.
And so he took a few extra minutes to let me know he cares.
And it was the perfect gesture of love.
Sometimes love looks bold and passionate.
Sometimes love looks like stolen glances across the room at a party.
Sometimes love looks like intimacy and romance.
Sometimes love looks like commitment and compassion.
Sometimes love looks like vacations and travel.
Sometimes love looks like champagne and chocolates.
But sometimes love looks like DIY tacos and fancy sparkling water.
No matter what it looks like, love is beautiful.”

This story was submitted to Love What Matters by Jenni Brennan. You can follow her journey on Facebook, Instagram, and her website. Submit your own story here, and be sure to subscribe to our free email newsletter for our best stories.
Read more from Jenni here:
The ‘Perfect’ Family Is A Myth, And It’s Time We Realize It
Walk Away From The Things And People That Drain Your Energy—Even If It Feels Too Hard
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