Today I Learned The Power Of Restorative Silence

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“Last night I found myself alone in my living room.

As my youngest was leaving the room, he went to toss the television remote to me.

‘No thanks,’ I said. ‘I think I’m just going to sit here in the silence.’

Of course, my teenager rolled his eyes, shrugged his shoulders, and said, ‘That’s so weird but okay.’

And then I sat there.

In the silence.

No scrolling on my phone.

No reading a book.

No writing out a to-do list.

No guided meditation.

Just silence.

Let me tell you, those 5 minutes in silence restored and filled my soul.

Those 5 minutes were the best thing I did for myself yesterday.

You see, life can be too people-y for me sometimes.

It can be too stimulating for all of my senses.

And although I know that silence is what refuels me, I often forget to make time for it.

I need to do better.

What about you?

What does silence do for you?

Can you take just one more minute today before you head back to your day?

Take a deep breath in and close your eyes.

Picture whatever it is that restores and refills your soul.

Maybe it’s silence.

Maybe it’s the gym.

Maybe it’s a book.

Maybe it’s coffee with friends.

Whatever it is – breathe it in.

Find a way to make time for it.

Because the more you inhale the good stuff – the stuff that refuels you, the easier it is to exhale stress and worry.”

picture of the living room as mom takes a moment to reset
Courtesy of Jenni Brennan

This story was submitted to Love What Matters by Jenni Brennan. You can follow her journey on Facebook and Instagram. Be sure to subscribe to our free email newsletter for our best stories.

Read more from Jenni here:

The ‘Perfect’ Family Is A Myth, And It’s Time We Realize It

Walk Away From The Things And People That Drain Your Energy—Even If It Feels Too Hard

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