‘If you see your delivery person coming towards you, please DO NOT OPEN YOUR DOOR.’: Delivery man urges ‘please keep us safe’

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“So I’m a Postie (and a dad, a husband, a son, and an awesome friend!) and would like to inform you of some important information.

We deliver your parcels and letters every day.

What you may not be aware of is we ARE classified as KEY WORKERS through these terrible times.

The CWU (our union) has offered us to become an emergency service for the public. If things get worse, then us posties could be delivering healthcare products, food, and even medication.

All that is asked from the public is:

1) Think about safety first, for yours and the postie.

2) If you see a postie coming towards your door please DO NOT OPEN YOUR DOOR. We will sign your parcels and letters for you.

We will leave the parcel, food, or medication on your doorstep and then knock. Give the postie enough time to step away from the door.

3) If you are already outside your house, go inside or step away 2 meters from your postie. Please do not approach your postie.

If we tell you to stop and back up or close your door, don’t feel offended. We are only trying to help protect you and us from this virus.

4) Lastly, if you see us out and want to stop us to have a chat, feel free, it can be a lonely job. BUT, remember to stay at least 2 meters away from your postie. NO handshaking, fist bumps, high fives, and certainly no kisses on the cheeks!

Please stay safe.”

Courtesy of Ethan Jared

This story was submitted to Love What Matters by Ethan Jared. Submit your own story here, and be sure to subscribe to our free email newsletter for our best stories.

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