‘Mommy. Mommy? Mommy!! Hearing this word sometimes breaks me. But I’m reminded how powerful that word truly is.’: Mom shares why her title is a blessing

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“Mommy, I need you.
Mommy, get up and play with me.
Mommy, I’m thirsty.
Mommy, please open this.
Mommy, brother hit me.
Mommy, my tummy hurts.
Mommy, where are you?
Mommy, fix this.
Mommy, I’m hungry.
Mommy, I have to go potty.
Mommy, help me.
Mommy, sit next to me.
Mommy, NO!
Mommy, can I have a snack?


Hearing this word often triggers a deep sigh that sinks down into my weary bones.

Hearing this word sometimes makes me feel like I want to crawl into a dark, quiet corner so I can be completely alone.

Hearing this word can make me feel like a deflated balloon – empty and listless.

Hearing this word occasionally has me questioning my ability to be the mom they need and deserve.

Hearing this word sometimes breaks me.

But then. Right when I need it the most.
I feel small arms wrap tightly around me.
and I hear:

Mommy, I love you.
Mommy, thank you.
Mommy, I did it!
Mommy, can you snuggle with me?
Mommy, I can help.
Mommy, I’m sorry.
Mommy, I need you.

Instantly, I’m reminded how powerful that word truly is.

Instantly, I remember that word is a privilege and an honor, and a title I have been blessed with.

Instantly, I realize although that word can sometimes carry with it feelings of frustration and exhaustion, it’s a precious gift I will never take for granted.

Mama. Mommy. Mom.

No matter which version, no matter which stage of life, no matter how many times it’s spoken, and no matter the context;

They will always need me.
They will always love me.
They will always depend on me.

And for those reasons, mommy is a word I will never tire of hearing because every time it’s spoken, it means something.

Baby, I hear you.
Baby, I love you.
Baby, thank you.
Baby, I need you too.”

mother holds her daughter close in her lap while her son stands to the right and wraps his arm around his mother
Courtesy of Mari Ebert

This story was submitted to Love What Matters  by Mari Ebert. You can follow her journey on  InstagramFacebook, and her website. Submit your own story hereand be sure to subscribe to our free email newsletter for our best stories, and YouTube for our best videos.

Read more from Mari here:

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