‘My kids went to bed at 9 p.m. every night. They didn’t go to other kids’ houses and throw a fit to bring home toys that weren’t theirs. They weren’t pathological liars. They weren’t violent. They didn’t try to get other kids in trouble for things they didn’t do.
They didn’t disrespect authority figures.
When speaking to parents about the behavior of their children I’ve been told, ‘Well, Amy, you just have good kids.’
I don’t ‘just have good kids’.
I MADE them good kids.

I didn’t give them the option to be otherwise.
If your kids won’t go to bed, if they are liars or violent, if they are disrespectful and mean…why are you giving them the option?
They are YOUR responsibility.

YOU have to decide what they can and can’t do.
If anyone has ever tried to talk to you about the behavior of your kid, instead of getting offended, get better.
They need a schedule. They need boundaries. They need manners and rules.
Love is not a lack of discipline.”

This story was submitted to Love What Matters by Amy Pino of West Virginia. Do you have a similar experience? Submit your own story here, and be sure to subscribe to our free email newsletter for our best stories.
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