Amanda Doulos

Amanda Doulos is a digital editor for Love What Matters based in New York City. She will graduate from Binghamton University with a Bachelor of English Literature and Spanish in Spring 2023. She loves staying involved as vice president of the mock trial team and secretary of Spanish Honor Society. In her free time, she loves reading, traveling, and spending time with friends.

‘There’s nothing else we can do.’ I lost my hair in handfuls at a time. It was hard to look in the mirror. I didn’t see the point in living.’: Chronic illness warrior says ‘I’ll never take life for granted’

“I started to see bald patches on the back of my head. My legs and arms would ache so badly I felt like I would vomit. I lay on the couch, wondering why my body hated me so much. Every day, I woke up with one more symptom, one more medical bill.”

‘When people asked me for gift ideas, I’d smile and say, ‘Just wine and diapers!’ How else could I unwind? It never stopped at just one glass.’: Mom shares sobriety journey, ‘I’m a better mom’

“I entered the life-changing, magical world of motherhood. I had no clue what I was doing. Breastfeeding vs. formula feeding. Crib vs. co-sleeping. It felt like there was nothing we moms could ever agree on. Well, except for one thing… wine.”

‘It’s all in your head.’ I was urinating 30 times a day. It was hard to bear. I was left with a tube hanging between my legs.’: Woman diagnosed with Interstitial Cystitis, ‘It’s given me confidence’

“I felt as if I had a UTI, but the dipsticks came back fine. I spent so much time in the toilet it became a work joke. I’d wake up five times a night for the toilet and at times, would hardly empty my bladder at all. I just felt clueless.”

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