Becky Balfe

Rebecca Balfe is a former editor for Love What Matters. She resides in NYC, owning and rescuing adorable cats. She is an avid Lupus fighter and advocate.

‘Wrap this around your arm and place the utensil here’, they’d say. That didn’t last long! She is ‘BOUT IT!’ I couldn’t accept this disability. Where has it been? Why now?’

“There were no ‘accommodations’ growing up. I had to clean my room. I had to have my homework finished before I could play. If I got in trouble, consequences came with it. I was 12 years old and approached with a life changing choice. You’re disabled! What are you going to do?”

Four sisters pose with their adopted little brother

‘We were told, ‘Having 6 children significantly reduces chances of a birth mother selecting your family.’ The call to adopt was hard to ignore.’: Woman adopts 7th child, develops special relationship with teen birth mom

“’When he’s placed in your arms, and all he knows is you and all he has is you. The same parental instinct that cares and protects our other children, will develop.’ I held out hope my husband and God would show our family the path we were supposed to be on.”

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