Sophia San Filippo

Managing Editor & SEO Lead

Based in New York City, Sophia San Filippo has worked with Love What Matters as a lead editor and content curator since early 2019 and has acted as Managing Editor since early 2021. She is a Summa Cum Laude graduate of Binghamton University who holds a Bachelor of Arts in English Literature, Creative Writing, and Women, Gender, & Sexuality Studies. She is passionate about personal storytelling and creating a positive space in media to better the lives of others. On a typical day you can find her rocking out at her local concert venue, admiring nature, or baking her latest kitchen experiment.

‘They just want to make it home to their loved ones. They’re working soul-crushing shifts. Who will help THEM?: Woman pens ode to Covid-19 war heroes, ‘We see you, and we salute you’

“They run towards the danger, as everyone else runs the other way. They’ve made choices that will follow them for the rest of their lives. They’ve been the last face many have seen as they drew their last breath, those images seared in their minds for all time.”

‘I cried, ‘Make it stop! I can’t take it any longer!’ I downed laxatives to ’empty out’ whatever I’d let inside my body.’: Woman battling anorexia survives laxative suicide attempt, ‘EVERY one of us need to reach the end, even if we can’t always see that’

“I went downstairs to get the laundry and crumpled down on the bottom step. That’s when I felt the shooting pain of the latest round of laxatives attempting to kick in. I dropped the basket and crawled on my hands and knees. I could feel my stomach contracting fiercely. I didn’t even have the strength to hold a phone to my ear.”

‘My son looked at me and said, ‘Mom, I’m tired of this.’ The first 2 weeks we had so much fun. Any structure we had is now gone.’: Mom says ‘the sooner we come to terms with this, the better’

“Tomorrow is my son’s birthday. I slacked too long and the gifts I ordered won’t arrive in time. I reassure myself by saying, ‘He’s only 4, he won’t be disappointed.’ But in my heart, I’m fuming. Who am I? Just 2 months ago I planned a birthday party extraordinaire for my oldest. This just isn’t like me. Any sort of structure we had is now gone.”

‘Today my brother got married in the driveway of his home where a tornado ripped through in the middle of the night one year before.’: Woman says ‘love conquers through the darkness’

“Months ago, a tornado ripped through their home in the middle of one terrifing night. And there they stood. In front of that torn down, knocked apart, and REBUILT beautiful house. Today, I didn’t get to be there as a bridesmaid. My parents didn’t get to be there. They stood tall and fearless, saying their vows and promising forever.”

‘Virtual happy hours, Facetime, Google Duo… There were always so many ways to take 5 minutes out of our day to show someone we love them, and we care.’: Woman says ‘this is a global reminder to speak with love at its fullest’

“Let’s rewind to a few months ago. When we were able to go to the store, but didn’t remove our AirPods. When we forgot to call our family members. When we ordered coffee, but never looked up from our phones to say hi. Now, a virtual conversation on the couch means more than any loud dinner at the latest trendy restaurant where we’d all check our phones anyway.”

‘My OB came back in with a flu swab. I couldn’t hold our beautiful, new daughter. Tears immediately filled my eyes.’: Mom recalls childbirth as Influenza patient pre-pandemic, ‘Hindsight is 20/20’

“10 minutes after childbirth, I began shaking. My temperature skyrocketed. It was recommended we remove our precious, new baby from my care, and into theirs. I handed her over. We weren’t allowed visitors. My husband could only visit me with protective gear. But hindsight is 20/20.”

‘I’m sorry, but we’re going to have to put you on birth control.’ The IVF clinic shut down. All I ever wanted was to be pregnant.’: Woman battles infertility during pandemic after IVF clinic closes, ‘I still have hope’

“My body left me with 3 cysts. ‘It’s not fair,’ I cried to my husband. It’s been a year since we lost our miracle baby, and now our rainbow baby has been pushed further and further away. I am unsure of when my next treatment will be. Through tears of uncertainty, I decided to stop my birth control. I wouldn’t wish this on anyone.”

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