Sophia San Filippo

Managing Editor & SEO Lead

Based in New York City, Sophia San Filippo has worked with Love What Matters as a lead editor and content curator since early 2019 and has acted as Managing Editor since early 2021. She is a Summa Cum Laude graduate of Binghamton University who holds a Bachelor of Arts in English Literature, Creative Writing, and Women, Gender, & Sexuality Studies. She is passionate about personal storytelling and creating a positive space in media to better the lives of others. On a typical day you can find her rocking out at her local concert venue, admiring nature, or baking her latest kitchen experiment.

‘I’m either a rockstar mom with lunches packed, clothes laid out, and baths by 7 p.m. or I’m in complete survival mode.’: Mom admits ‘every day is not a fairytale’

“Some days I’m totally present with my little man. I’ve grocery shopped WITH my toddler and not one fit was thrown. I’m caught up on housework and we wind down with bedtime stories. I feel confident. I think for a split second I have motherhood figured out. Then the next day comes, and I survive by the seat of my pants.”

‘Dear Little Sister, you may have been the ‘lucky one’ back then, but I’m the lucky one now.’: Woman shares appreciation letter for little sister, ‘You taught me to live and love’

“When you were born, they told me, ‘Keep an eye out to your little sister.’ You know, the regular big sister stuff any parent says to calm the storm. But through all the stolen stuffed animals and favorite t-shirts, what I never, ever saw coming was the way the tables would turn.”

‘Why are you flying with such a young infant?’ He grinned, then walked away. My wife and I exchanged curious looks.’: Flight attendants pay it forward for adoptive couple after 9-year battle with infertility

“About mid-flight, our daughter awoke and politely informed us she wanted a new diaper. 10 minutes later, another attendant, Bobby, greeted us and inquired about our daughter. We thought nothing of it. Then, we heard the intercom announce a special guest on the flight. The entire cabin erupted in cheers and applause.”

‘You cannot push a jogging stroller to the gate.’ I immediately laughed. ‘Excuse me, what? This holds the car seat my baby sits in.’: Mom shares plea for infant-friendly airline policies

“I honestly thought she was joking. I’d flown 50 times and had zero issues. She got snippy from the get-go. ‘No strollers over 20 pounds allowed at the gate.’ I replied, ‘Weigh it then.’ I was ready to make her look like a fool. There’s no way it was that heavy. I loaded that thing up onto the scale. I stood there, dumbfounded.”

‘My dad called me into the room with a customer. ‘Son, did you kill their rooster?’ I didn’t say a word. I just lifted my pant legs.’: Man shares childhood memories thanks to StoryWorth

“One of my customers had a really bad-tempered Rhode Island Red rooster. He’d attack me every day and claw at my legs. I’d fight him off, but after a few months of delivering papers, the rooster was decidedly ahead and I was starting to get angry. One day he came charging at me. I decided I’d had enough.”

‘You tried to distract your boy from ‘bugging’ me on the flight, but then you turned around. Your face lit up!’: Mom to sons with down syndrome shares touching moment with stranger on flight

“I would never hand one of my kids off to a complete stranger. But you weren’t a stranger. Despite never knowing you. Despite your broken English and my zero ability to speak Spanish. For over half an hour, I watched as you sang to him, snuggled him, and loved on him. As I watched your son, my heart soared as I saw my future. And I know as you looked into the almond eyes of my boys, you saw your past.”

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