‘I’ve made the decision to send my kids to school, and I am filled with so many mixed emotions.’: Mom says ‘there is no right or wrong answer’ amid school reopenings

“‘Well, schools wouldn’t be opening if they didn’t think they could keep the kids safe, right?’ But then I see these counties in Georgia with hundreds of cases after schools opened. I think about my 72-year-old mother currently living with me and wonder if I’m making the right decision.”

‘It’s funny, I see you becoming a mother to a baby, but not a newborn. He’ll have big, round, blue eyes.’: Single mom details attachment and adoption process from foster care

“I nearly fell right out of my seat when I saw my very first picture of Axel. A cherub, round face of a gorgeous 6-month-old, with the biggest blue eyes, stared right into my soul from the computer screen in that social worker’s office. I was floating on cloud 9, but she reminded me there are always risks involved with adopting from foster care.”

‘The feeling you know for a fact your child is out there on the other side of the world, is something I just can’t describe.’: Single woman details Indian adoption journey during COVID-19

“Single and adopting. Those two words, when said together, shock people. ‘Wouldn’t it just be easier to get married and have kids?’ I woke up Thursday at 3 a.m. with an email. They asked if I would be interested. I VERY quickly responded with an absolute, ‘YES’. Adoption always was in my story.”

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