‘If this turns positive, it’s freaking baby Jesus,’ I said to my husband as I peed on a pregnancy test. He was holding our newborn baby we just brought home.’: Woman has unexpected pregnancy right after adoption

“My husband started reading the box saying aloud, ‘Noooo, I don’t think two lines mean positive.’ He handed me two other tests, which both immediately returned positives. I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. So, I did both.”

‘Dad, what is homeless?’ I said, ‘It’s when you don’t have food to eat.’ I thought this would be the end of the conversation.’: Little boy’s inspiring cross-country journey to feed the homeless

“He said, ‘They look hungry. Can we feed them?’ I paused because I really didn’t want my 4-year-old subjected to everything on the streets. He walked up and said, ‘Would you like a sandwich?’ At that point, I made the decision to do it once a week.”

‘My husband entered the kitchen and announced he canceled the vasectomy. ‘I’m willing to try for one more.’ Two identical, squirmy bodies appeared on screen.’: Mom celebrates the birth of Down syndrome twins

“‘Look at our sweet girls,’ we cooed. Had the last ultrasound been this quiet? Two identical, squirmy bodies appeared on screen. Six specialists took turns presenting the same results. ‘Both your daughters will require open heart surgery.’ Information on testing and abortion: excessive. I would again be facing those heavy double doors.”

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