‘Did you hurt my baby?!’ My ex replied, ‘No!’ I looked into my 3-month-old’s eyes. Blank stare.’: Mom ‘heartbroken’ after ex-husband’s abuse causes newborn Shaken Baby Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, blindness

“The night before, her biological father picked her up and took her home with him. As I walked into the ER, I heard the worst noise. A moaning sound. ‘There’s no way that’s my daughter.’ It was. ‘Your daughter’s on life support. She’ll most likely never move or open her eyes.’ I still had no idea what was going on. It felt like a nightmare.”

‘She stuck around. Why? Why won’t she just leave? We are all miserable and it’s because of me. Doesn’t she see that?’: Man works to overcome his PTSD

“My wife and son would come home and tip toe around me as my anger would rear its ugly head. Unbeknownst to me, my wife was scared to be out of the house for too long as that caused my anger to rise as well. ‘What the f*ck were you doing? You know I am f*cked up and can’t ‘babysit’ our son!,’ I would shout.”

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