‘She began sobbing. ‘No one has ever done anything like this.’ Pregnant and hungry, she was living off leftover cheese.’: Man shares act of kindness for homeless couple

“We were exiting the ramp when we noticed a young lady holding a sign on the sidewalk. It was difficult to see the words, but as we pulled up to the red light, I was able to make out ‘Pregnant’ and ‘Hungry.’ We approached her. ‘We’re going to help you.’ Everyone else laughed or ignored her.”

‘Doctors swarmed around in panic. We got a diagnosis for both twins. Then, their life-saving appointment was canceled.’: Twins battle eye cancer together, ‘They’re so brave!’

“We got a trip to Disney for their battle against cancer. When we returned home, they got sick, very sick. ‘Haven’t we been through enough?’ I cried. Their doctor appointment was canceled indefinitely. We were told to wait by the phone. I panicked while they suffered.”

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