‘Where is the collected mom I thought I’d be? She’s been replaced by a sweaty, shouty mama in dry shampoo and leggings.’: Mom reminds us ‘perfect parents’ don’t exist, ‘absolutely everyone is just getting by’

“I remember my husband and I agreeing our child would only watch 1 hour of television a day. HA! Now, Peppa Pig is basically our 3rd child. ‘We won’t be the parents giving our child a phone in a restaurant.’ Sometimes, watching other children play with play-doh on YouTube is THE only way to avoid death stares. Absolutely nothing can prepare you for life with two under two.”

‘My mother would sleep nude next to me, crowning me the ‘man of the house.’ At 18, I had to make a decision. ‘You and I will never speak again.’: Man overcomes child abuse, ‘The person in the mirror was not the real me, and I knew it’

“On my birthday, I put a gun in my mouth as my girlfriend pounded on the bathroom door begging me not to kill myself. I will never forget the taste of the cold metal against my tongue. I pulled the trigger, but the pin didn’t strike the bullet casing—a failure to fire. I had guns in my life since I was a child and I will never understand why that round malfunctioned. I had to accept I’d survived some of the most toxic environments imaginable. I needed to stop making excuses and take my life back.”

‘These two crazy kids have no clue they’ll be pregnant 8 months later. They have no idea about the twins they will mourn for a lifetime.’: Woman urges ‘love looks different now’ than when first married, so ‘choose well’

“Don’t get married for the way you feel now. Get married because the person you’re looking at is the one you want to struggle with. Marry the one you want to continually choose. You’re going to clean puke off the floor for them. You’ll stand together as loved ones are buried. You will hurt one another.”

‘It’s been 6 months since my husband and I filed for divorce. I pass off my kids to him every other week, for the entire week.’: Woman claims divorce has made her a ‘better’ mom, ‘I’ve learned to cherish each moment’

“The first time I dropped my daughter off at ballet for her father to pick her up after her class, I remember bawling my eyes out in the car, regretting my decision to divorce. I came home to a big, empty house and sat on the couch, just wailing. As a mother, I’m programmed to tend to my children, but without them, what was I to do with my days? Divorce has forced me to step up as a mother. I have no other choice.”

‘I was told I should be grateful for being able to have kids in the first place.’: Mom advocates for others with postpartum depression, ‘Don’t ever feel alone in this.’

“I remember them pushing on my stomach trying to get it out and seeing the fear in my doctors’ faces. ’Kiera, we are going to have to take you right into surgery.’ I couldn’t believe it. Was it something I did? Where is everyone talking about the complications that can go wrong? I try and remember that having two healthy, fed kids is all that matters.”

‘The first thing he asks is, ‘Has your lower back been bothering you?’ I know what that means. Something is wrong.’: Mom diagnosed with Stage 4 Sarcoma says cancer is ‘loneliest road I’ve ever taken’

“’Oh man, is she okay?’ I’m really not. ‘Will my kids be without a mom? I’m not ready to go! I want to be here!’ I found out my cancer was Stage 4. I’m only 33 years old. I’ve never been so angry. You feel like the curtains are closing, and this is it.”

‘If you can’t respect me and your Dad, don’t come to MY family’s Christmas celebrations.’ Pump the brakes, crazy lady.’: Woman ‘bitter’ over tumultuous upbringing, but learns to ‘forgive’ after all the hurt

“You married her when I was 3. I wasn’t at your wedding. I was maliciously sent to Chicago by my mother, just to get back at you. Remember that time you came to my Grandma’s and literally kidnapped me? Dragging me down the hill, kicking and screaming, you trying to hush me? I was 4. This is one of my earliest memories. Tragic. My kids don’t know you. But that seems to be a pattern in this family.”

‘Let’s get pregnant together!’ Two single women, we decided to do this on our own. We couldn’t wait any longer.’: Two friends join forces to become ‘single moms by choice’

“We both wanted to be moms. Forever. Ever since we can remember. We dated many boys, men, and a few gentlemen. Unfortunately, none of those relationships turned into our fairy tale. One day, we hope to get married and have a spouse, but we couldn’t give up on children if that man never came around. We had to do this together.”

‘When my boyfriend broke up with me, I had the strangest reaction. I was relieved. I literally thanked him.’: Woman ‘gave up’ on distracting herself with relationships, ‘I am living whole and free for the first time’

“I really loved him, so I was caught off guard by my own response to him ending our romantic relationship. ‘Wait, shouldn’t I be sad? Shouldn’t I be crying or something?’ My dating self was cool, sexy, and mysterious. I knew how to seduce and intrigue men. I played the game well.”

‘My 9-year-old said, ‘I want to eat something I used to eat with my old family. Sometimes, I like to remember how strong I had to be.’: Foster mom shares heartbreaking story of son’s trauma, ‘We must not give up on our kids’

“He said his old parents wouldn’t feed him due to being passed out. All their money was spent on cigarettes and other ‘fun things.’ At age 6, he would find change in their van, buy Ramen packets at the store down the street, and make dinner for himself and his brothers (ages 2 and 4 months). He didn’t know how to boil water, so he had to eat it raw. ‘I’m not sad I’m not with my old family anymore, but sometimes I like to remember how strong I had to be.'”

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