‘I’m doing the best I can,’ I said to my husband. I felt a tear hit my cheek. It was one of those nights.’: Woman reminds us to ‘be kind’ to exhausted mothers, ‘she is doing her absolute best’ 

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“‘I am doing the best I can,’ I said to my husband as I felt a tear hit my cheek.

It was one of those nights. I was in pajamas by 4 p.m., my hair had some questionable things in it, and I had on a stained sweater that probably should have been washed a few days ago.

My husband got home, and walked in on me, pajamas, cooking soup with grilled cheese, that I burned, for the third time this week, and my hair looking like a bird was living in it.

He walked in on me getting upset at my four year old. Probably for something small, but to me, it felt massive.

I felt like I had failed. As a wife, and a mother.

I haven’t been making home-cooked, yummy meals lately.

I haven’t done my makeup in a long time.

My hair style now resembles a bird’s nest.

I am not patient with my children, I yell more than I would like to. I just thought I would be better at this whole mom and wife thing.

As I turned to look at the grilled cheese, I noticed I had burnt it (my kids definition of burnt – they’re very picky about their grilled cheese), while talking to my husband.

I threw my hands up in the air, and said, ‘I give up!’

I put the burned grilled cheese on a plate, and placed it on to the sticky kitchen table, and told the kids to eat.

They ate, without complaining, as I sat there in my pajamas, stained sweater, messy bun, and my failed dinner.

I sat there and watched them, as guilt washed over me like a wave.

I feel like I need to do more, all of the time. But the truth is, I am doing my best.

Next time you see your wife, the mother of your kids, looking like a complete mess, exhausted, and crying over burned grilled cheese, be kind to her.

She is doing her absolute best.”

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Courtesy of Caitlin Fladager

This story was submitted to Love What Matters by Caitlin Fladager, and originally appeared here. You can follow her journey on Facebook and InstagramSubmit your own story here, and be sure to subscribe to our free email newsletter for our best stories.

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