‘I didn’t realize how much I would miss my dad’s handwriting. Mourning handwriting? But I did. I still do.’: Daughter gets tattoo of dad’s handwriting before he passes of pancreatic cancer

“I watched him sketch out that second attempt and smile at it. He looked up and said, ‘How’s this one? I think this one is better, don’t you think?’ Maybe he was imagining it actually being tattooed on me and how that would feel, after he was gone.”

‘I was 15 years old and had been caught.’: Woman overcomes eating disorder and surprise pregnancy

“I know how you’re doing it,’ she whispered, then laughed and walked away. I locked myself in the bathroom while my he pounded on the door, begging me to let him in. I wouldn’t. I couldn’t believe what I was staring at. My heart pounded, and my mind raced. Was this real? Was it a faulty test? My baby was so tiny, but he or she was there, in my belly.”

‘A car drove up next to us. The cocaine made me bold. I gestured our gang sign. They immediately shot me 5 times.’: Paraplegic, ex-gang member urges ‘choose your friends wisely, don’t let them choose you’

“By the age of 15, I was living a reckless lifestyle. I had already failed at everything and let so many people down. The acceptance and sense of self-worth gangs offered was appealing. I was lost and out of control. Not once did I think about my family and what I was doing to them. When the parademics arrived, I was pronounced dead on arrival. ‘We need a body bag.’ I was drenched in blood, no longer breathing. I died for 6 minutes.”

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