‘I hid behind my mom the 1st day of kindergarten, afraid to walk into a room of kids who did not yet know I was different.’: Woman with alopecia shares self-love journey, ‘I show up for myself’

“A close friend asked, ‘Can you be a bridesmaid at my wedding?’ I realized I couldn’t do it with my usual head coverings. The whole time at the wig shop, I cried. With each one I tried on, I felt like I was giving up, forced to resign, like I was surrendering to a new life with no hope.”

‘It’s like throwing everything in the backseat, then slamming on the brakes so it all comes flying forward.’: Woman candidly shares journey grieving multiple loved ones

“I was 12 when my mom died. My youngest sibling was a baby, just learning how to walk. It was Easter and she was taken by a brain aneurysm. Gone. At 35. No explanation. I successfully blocked it out of my mind for 20+ years. Attempting to protect my heart. It worked…until it didn’t.”

‘I muttered ‘I’m sorry’ to my newborn over Zoom from a different hospital. I didn’t know I’d delivered a baby, or what month it was.’: First-time mom recounts giving birth during post-Covid pneumonia battle

“Next thing I know I’m looking at myself from the ceiling. I’m lying on an operation table. There’s 8 of me. The room keeps spinning. There’s a team working on each copy of me. They’re trying to put me to sleep. They keep telling me to relax. And I’m screaming.”

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