‘Your baby is gone.’ She placed her hand on my leg with a soft touch. The lump in my throat turned into a loud moan.’: Mom says ‘9 weeks is all I had with her, but she will be forever in our lives’

“She asked me to lay back. ‘Hold on,’ I said, ‘Let me grab my phone so I can record this for my husband.’ I settled in, hit the record button. I knew pretty quickly that something was off. I could feel the tennis ball size lump rising in my throat.”

‘I caught sight of her coat hanging off the banister, waiting to be picked up and worn again. I couldn’t hold it together. She didn’t know it was the last time.’: Woman urges ‘hold on to each moment before it’s a memory’

“I was composed when I received the message she had passed, and when the doctor came to verify her death. I was composed when I kissed her forehead for the last time. It was only as we were getting ready to leave her house, that the silliest thing got to me.”

‘My student from 10 years ago messaged me. ‘Miss Silva, I’m applying for my Doctorate and Master’s Degree.’⁣ I cried.⁣’: Teacher urges ‘he is much more than the color many cannot see past’

“In a world that told him he would not amount to much because he was a black boy, he kept going.⁣ In a society that told him he was not worth much because he had dreadlocks and wore his pants a bit low, he kept going.⁣ He defied the odds, and then he crushed them.⁣”

‘Molly…’ My husband looked me dead in the eye. ‘We need to talk.’ Shaking, he told me the painful truth no one in a monogamous relationship wants to hear.’: Divorcee urges ‘listen to your heart’

“I sat there in silence for what seemed like an eternity. ‘Say something, please…’ he begged. After several minutes, all I could manage to mutter was, ‘Well, I guess now we finally have an excuse to get a divorce.’ Within 2 weeks, I watched my dreams of building a life and a family disappear in front of my eyes.”

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