Dear Child Of Divorce: I Will Always Put Your Emotions First While Co-Parenting 

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“Lately, for the first day when my daughter comes back from being with her other parent, she usually wants not a whole lot to do with me.

Very few snuggles and kisses. Not a lot of sweet homecoming moments or talks. She seems entirely unsettled.

Is it excruciating? Absolutely. Especially after a couple of days of her being gone and feeling uncomfortable speaking to me on the phone.

It’s extremely hard to not take it personally. To emotionally support myself and give her the space to adjust when all I want to do is wrap my arms around her and wail, ‘I missed you so much.’

But that would be solely for me.

I cannot imagine how confusing it feels to be a tiny human trying to navigate such a situation.

Mom lifting daughter on her arms and legs on a bed
Courtesy of Daisy Hixon

No, parenting isn’t martyrdom. But it does come with sacrifices at times – and I will always CHOOSE to be her safe space and endure all that comes with it.

I will always prioritize her emotions over mine, regardless of what anyone else in her life may be doing.

And I know by tomorrow, once her feelings make more sense, she will be in my arms again asking for all the snuggles, telling me I’m the best mommy ever and that she loves me ‘the most most mostest.’ Because that’s always how it goes.

I savor those sweet rewards more than ever these days. And if you’re a mama going through this painful co-parenting process, I know you do too and I want you to know you’re not alone.

Keep being you. Keep keeping it classy. Keep being the beautiful example and mama you are. And ask for help if you need it.”

Mom hugging her young daughter outdoors with sun shining in back
Courtesy of Daisy Hixon

This story was submitted to Love What Mattersby Daisy Hixon. You can follow her journey on Instagram. Submit your own story hereand be sure to subscribe to our free email newsletter for our best stories, and YouTube for our best videos.

Read more from Daisy:

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