DoorDash Driver Safely Returns Lost Toddler Wandering Street In Freezing Temperatures

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Last Sunday, around 11:20 a.m., this Detroit DoorDash driver made the most important delivery of his life. It was a chilly morning, with the high for the day only reaching 38 degrees, when Robert Jackson III spotted a small toddler wandering 8 Mile Road in nothing but socks and a diaper.

The Dasher quickly pulled over and picked up the small boy, taking a video of himself wrapping the boy in his coat and placing him in his vehicle to keep warm. Jackson later told Fox 2, “…his hands and his lips were purple, and his fingers were purple.”

Young toddler rescued by DoorDash delivery driver sits in their car to warm up.
Fox News Detroit

The tiny tot was too young to be able to tell Jackson where he lived, so the delivery driver called the police for help. Local law enforcement took the freezing, half-naked boy to the hospital to be checked out, and were then able to locate his mother.

Police and Child Protective Services determined the incident was an accident, and the mother will not be charged. It was actually her 16-year-old son who was babysitting the toddler at the time, less than a block away. Detroit Police Cpl. Dan Donakowski later relayed that the teen believed his younger brother must have “slipped out the front door.”

“It feels good that I was there. I don’t know how to explain it,” Jackson told Fox 2 reporters.

DoorDash delivery driver saves toddler wandering Detroit streets in freezing temperatures.
Fox News Detroit

DoorDash reportedly contacted Jackson to thank him for going above and beyond, and a company spokesperson said they were “incredibly proud of this Dasher for showing such good judgment.”

With the child returned safely home, this has yet to be the most important package the Dasher has ever picked up and successfully delivered.

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