“Is my heart ready?
Is she ready?
I know she’s ready.
I knew this day was approaching and by the press of one single word… accept… my girl is off to college.
My heart is beaming with pride and joy as excitement emanates out of my pores.
But I can’t deny it, there is also a twinge of self-doubt.
I know, it’s silly.
But I can’t push it away.
I can’t pretend it isn’t consuming my thoughts.
My mind is racing as my heart is pumping and questions are swirling around me catapulting me into a frenzy of thought bubbles floating over my head.
Did I teach her enough about life?
Does she feel strong knowing she has an armor of tools following with her? And does she know deep within her soul she can reach out at any time and I’ll always be there?
Did I show her enough love?
Did I allow her to feel the rich emotions I feel for her?
Because sometimes it is hard to explain.
Sometimes life gets in the way.
Sometimes emotions and words are hard for me to communicate.
Will she close this door confidently knowing she is loved and will forever be loved?
I hope and pray this is true.
Did I tell her and show her over and over again she is enough?
Just as she is?
Nothing more.
Nothing less.
Just her beautiful self for the world to be adorned with?
Will she walk with her head held high and be reminded she is enough and never question it?
Did I tell her and show her enough how proud I am?
Oh, I hope so.
Because this girl of mine allows my heart to swell with pride.
Her compassionate old soul captures hearts with pure kindness and there is nothing more she ever needs to do in life to make my heart beam with pride.
Sweet girl of mine, you are loved beyond measure and I silently pray your soul will carry my love with you always, as you embark on your new journey.
Mom xo”

This story was submitted to Love What Matters by Hang in there mama by Ali Flynn. You can follow her journey on Facebook and Instagram. Submit your own story here and be sure to subscribe to our free email newsletter for our best stories, and YouTube for our best videos.
Read more from Ali here:
I Owe It To My Kids To Allow Them To See My Mistakes
Before Your Head Hits The Pillow, Put A Check Mark Next To ‘Me’ On Your To-Do List
Sweet Child, May We Forever Be Each Other’s Constant
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