“’Mama, can you rest with me?’
As my tired heart once again crawls over to the other side of the bed, I feel a warmth take over my body, as it does each and every night.
How many nights have I done this same routine?
A hundred?
A thousand?
This nighttime routine is my constant.
A constant I would like to hold onto for eternity.
This constant gives me clarity at the end of a long day and fuels my heart to recharge for tomorrow.
My sweet girl’s head of blonde hair resting on my chest, as I softly sing a few songs to relax her, before she enters her world of dreams.
But then one night, a shift, a change…
‘Mama, can you rest with me?’
She points to her chest and has me lay my head down on her.
Oh, the sweet sound of her breath.
Her soft hands gently stroking my hair as we lay in silence.
Her hands comforting and soothing this restless heart of mine.
Her breath fueling me with her calm spirit and her energy filled with empathy and kindness.
With tears welling up in my eyes, I feel heartfelt love emanating out of my child’s soul and encompassing my heart.
Her soft touch offers up to me deep love and gratitude as she moves me up and down with each breath.
The child I breathe life into is now breathing new life into me.
My constant.
May we forever be each other’s constant.
So for now, I will wait each night for her sweet voice to ask, ‘Mama, can you rest with me?’ because one night the air will be silent and only filled with a hug and a kiss goodnight.
But until that time arrives, I will wait to hear her voice, crawl into bed next to her and exhale.
My forever constant.”

This story was submitted to Love What Matters by Hang in there mama by Ali Flynn. You can follow her journey on Facebook and Instagram. Be sure to subscribe to our free email newsletter for our best stories.
Read more from Ali here:
It’s Hard Letting You Go—Please Be Patient With Me
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