Before Your Head Hits The Pillow, Put A Check Mark Next To ‘Me’ On Your To-Do List

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“Do you love yourself? REALLY love yourself? As in, you find joy in wrapping yourself up in a hug of self-love?

It’s hard some days, I get it…especially on the days the kids need help with schoolwork, we have our own work to accomplish for a big meeting, laundry to fold, and our to-do list is a mile long.

We have all of these lists of things to do or others to take care of, and all of those items do need to get checked off the list, but let’s think about something…

What about if today, we add OURSELVES to the to-do list? Sounds crazy, right?!

But seriously friends, what if we became one of those items starred on the list, and we can’t go to bed until it is accomplished?

Imagine? Imagine finding one way each day, to give ourselves love.

A time to give to ourselves gifts we only know how to give, and receive those gifts willingly.

A time set aside to honor our needs and relish in its glory.

A time to care for and cherish ourselves, not just today, but all of the days ahead.

A time to pay attention to filling up our cup with happiness and not expecting someone else to create our joy.

A time to fall in love with ourselves over and over again.

So mamas, when we have those moments of self doubt, where we want to pull ourselves down about all we didn’t do today, or make a sarcastic remark about the new weight gain, let’s remember, we are the model for our children and how we want them to love themselves.

Those times we so easily laugh at ourselves for not knowing something and our anxiety soars, or the times we rip ourselves to shreds for not being a perfect person, let’s remember there are little ones hearing this negative self-talk.

Friends, if we want to change the course for our children, then adding on more moments of self-love begins with us.

We are the course changers. We are the ones who can make the difference and this, right here, is the heart of the matter.

We need to love ourselves with a depth so deep it makes a profound impact on our children. If it’s not us modeling self-love, then who will?

So today, let’s add a new bullet note to our to do list, mine is simple…it’s just going to say, ‘ME!’ I will figure out throughout my day, what my ‘me’ task will be.

Will it be enjoying a cup of tea while my girls are busy, and share with them how I’m going to take a few minutes alone?

Or maybe it’s a hot bath before bed, letting them know it’s been a long day, before kissing them goodnight and share with them how the bath will soothe my soul a bit?

Or maybe it’s praising myself three times today about a job well done, and having the kids hear the praise and positive talk?

But one thing is certain, today, there will be a check mark next to ME before my head hits the pillow tonight.”

Courtesy of Ali Flynn

This story was submitted to Love What Matters by Hang in there mama by Ali Flynn. You can follow her journey on Facebook and Instagram. Submit your own story here. Be sure to subscribe to our free email newsletter for our best stories, and YouTube for our best videos.

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