‘I find myself apologizing a lot lately. ‘Hey, I’m so sorry, can we reschedule?’ ‘Man, I forgot to respond to your text, I’m so sorry.’ I’m saying I’m sorry ALL. THE. TIME.’

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“I find myself apologizing a lot lately.

‘Hey, I’m so sorry… can we reschedule?’

‘I’m sorry, I actually won’t be able to make it tonight.’

‘Man, I forgot to respond to your text, I’m so sorry.’

I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry.

I’m saying I’m sorry all.the.time.

And can I be honest for a second? I really don’t want to be apologizing anymore when life comes calling.

I mean, there’s something to be said about apologizing when needed.

But there’s a difference between apologizing when you’ve hurt someone’s feelings and apologizing as a method of being polite.

Yet, it seems like I have to. It seems like it’s what we expect.

Is it okay if I ask us to stop?

Because mamas, truthfully, we’re raising a family – we’re not doing anything wrong.

I’m getting to a place in life where I understand why my parents said, ‘family comes first’.

And they didn’t just say it, they shoved it down our throats.

Because life is precious, and time together is short.

Sometimes even when I’ve done all I can to have that drink, see that movie, visit that friend, family comes calling and HAS to come first.

Sometimes, we don’t have a choice despite our best efforts to make those outside our family unit a priority.

I’m in that season.

And I constantly find myself apologizing for it.

For the days being long and the nights being longer. For needing time with my husband, with my babies, or simply a rare minute to myself.

I’m sorry for that. We’re sorry for that.

We can’t be. There’s gotta be a better way to let our friends know we love them, we miss them, and we want them.

That we’re trying, but sometimes we need to say no. Sometimes we have to cancel. Sometimes we simply just want to stay home.

That shouldn’t require and apology.

If anything, it requires a thank you.

Thank you for understanding. For being supportive. Thank you for having my back.

You’re here in my life because you get it. Because you’re one of few those people who have weaved their way into my heart.

Time is too precious and my family too valuable to share myself with anyone but.

So, thank you, I love you, and I promise, I’ll see you soon.”

Mother who is done apologizing for putting her family first smiles as she holds son beside husband and baby in high chair
Courtesy Annie Lawton

This story was submitted to Love What Matters by Annie Lawton of Grown Up Glamour by Anneliese Lawton. Follow her on Instagram here. The article originally appeared here.  Submit your story here, and be sure to subscribe to our best love stories here.

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