“I see you, mama.
I see you holding your family together, even though some days you are a thread from falling apart.
I see you doing dishes as quickly as possible because the baby is crying and you need to make a bottle.
All while answering 92 questions about dinosaurs, making a mental list of groceries you’re out of, remembering that you have to pay the utility bill by Tuesday, you need to feed the fish, and reminding yourself to swap the washer load to the dryer.
I see you; you’re so mentally and physically done at the end of the day, but the kids are finally asleep and time on the couch with your partner is few and far between these days (not to mention you’re three episodes behind on Grey’s).
I see you do it all day, everyday, because it’s what you do. It’s what you have to do and it’s what you love but holy hell, it is so exhausting.
I see you because I am you.

I see you buy kinder eggs, teethers, matching outfits and snacks for your babies without question.
I see you budget money and rearrange your daily schedule for your oldest to go to summer camp because you know keeping a schedule will help him transition from half day to full day come new school year, even if it means changing the baby’s nap schedule, because that’s what you do.
I see you skim through the men’s and baby section anytime you go to TJ Maxx because you found something cute for you but you feel weird if only buying something for yourself.
I see you spend an obscene amount on groceries without a second thought (AND kudos to you if you do it while your kids are there! High five yourself if you figured out how to do it without them kids! And hugs to you if you did the pick up option because it meant more time in your day!!).
I see you because I am you.
But guess what mama? It’s okay to budget a little time and money for you.
You are not a bad mom or partner for taking time or spending money on something that is only for you.
You are so worthy of devoting attention to, the exact same attention you give your babies and your partner.
You are worth it, mama, so worth it.
You are a better you when you are happy and if spending $80 on some stacking rings that have your kids’ name’s on them makes you happy? Then buy the damn rings (purse, massage, shirt, girls trip, etc.).
Because your cup is worth filling with more than just coffee.”

This story was submitted to Love What Matters by Heidi Rogers. Submit your own story here, and be sure to subscribe to our free email newsletter for our best stories, and YouTube for our best videos.
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