‘Though the world would cringe at my off-key melodies, my sons say my nightly bedtime songs are their favorite way to end the day.’: Mom shares importance of sharing talents

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“Hi, I’m Becky. I’m a good writer, skilled card player, and excellent chocolate chip cookie maker. But I’m a terrible singer.

Like awful.⁣

Yet I sing every day. And though the world would cringe at my off-key melodies, my three sons say my nightly bedtime songs are their favorite way to end the day.

Clearly, it’s not my vocal talent my children appreciate but rather the time of connection it creates. I scratch their backs and run my fingers through their hair. I whisper prayers of thanksgiving for what has been and hope for what is to come.

This simple routine has become a rhythm of love for this rhythmically-challenged mom.

And it makes me wonder…

What is lost when we hide our expressions of love, art, and creativity because they don’t measure up to the world’s standards? What unexpected blessing are we forfeiting because we’re afraid to offer our less-than-stellar efforts?

Maybe you love painting or hand-lettering but your creations don’t compare to those that get thousands of likes on Instagram squares. So you think, ‘Why bother?’ Maybe you feel drawn to dance but you believe you’re too old or awkward and others would just laugh. Maybe there is a poet inside you, but somewhere in the past, you were told words weren’t your forte.

What if you decided to ignore the voice that said you’re not good enough and instead chose to explore something new — not for the sake of an applaudable performance but simply for pleasure and enjoyment?⁣

When it comes to God, He doesn’t judge your offerings by the world’s talent criteria. He’ll never boo you off stage or unfollow you for not meeting some invisible standard.

He looks at your heart. He listens with the ears of someone who loves you.

Friend, you are so loved! And the world needs exactly what you have to offer… whether it’s stellar are not.⁣”

mother poses for a selfie and is smiling widely
Courtesy of Becky Keife

This story was submitted to Love What Matters by Becky Keife. You can follow her journey on Instagram and Facebook. Be sure to subscribe to our free email newsletter for our best stories.

Read more from Becky here:

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