“She might have down syndrome, but she is still beautiful, can she get a share for her cute smile?
Kids with special needs are not weird or odd. They only want what everyone else wants…to be accepted. Can I make a request? Is anyone willing to post this photo in honor of all children who were made in a unique way? Let’s see who has a strong heart.

I see quotes and images like this a lot on social media.
They really do a disservice to disabled people. It portrays people in the wrong way!
Disabled people are not cute little puppies or kittens.
Disabled people are human beings who want to be respected.
Disability does not mean inability!
These quotes suggest that disability prevents someone from being beautiful or making friends.
The way these quotes about disability are shared on social media is an easy way for disabled people to be bullied.
It portrays disabled people as incapable or different in a negative way, and it makes people see disabled adults as children. No adult wants to be seen or treated as a child!
The ability we have and the disability that is our diagnosis make us diverse in the same way our hair color, eye color, dimples, or freckles set us apart.
Please rethink sharing a photo like this.
They don’t encourage acceptance. These photos portray disabled children and adults as incapable and tarnished.
If you want to show your support for us, don’t share photos like these.
Accept us.
Include us socially. (We make great friends.)
Know that we are capable. (Adults are not children! Don’t treat us like children!)
We are beautiful.
We are determined.
Don’t pity us. We don’t waste our lives looking at what we’re incapable of or at how we are different.
We live our lives. Relationships, jobs, goals, and hobbies are just some of the things that are fulfilling in our lives.
Support us. Help us to find ways to reach our goals when we are struggling. Teach us the skills we need to succeed.
Don’t speak for us. We are living with a disability and we have the best perspective. We know firsthand the effects things like learning skills for a job can have and we know what helps and what doesn’t.
Listen to us. We want future disabled people to reach their success with support and less struggle.”
This story was submitted to Love What Matters by Kate Nelson. You can follow her on her blog. Join the Love What Matters family and subscribe to our newsletter.
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‘But you don’t LOOK disabled.’: Woman urges ‘disability is not a bad word’
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