Irini Orihuela is an Editor at Love What Matters. She graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in journalism. In her free time, she enjoys photography and hikes.

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Showers Are Not My Self-Care Time

“His brief tonics are usually fine – it happens, he continues breathing and it’s over quickly. I watch for a second, and see the twitching…it’s a bigger seizure. For the first time, I had to jump out of the shower, soaking wet, and get to my child.”

‘I posted online and a man responded with a simple, ‘Needed this.’ It opened the door to the rest of our lives.’: Abuse survivor details meeting love of her life on Instagram

“Jason was in the middle of a divorce. My life felt like a series of breakups. So you can imagine my skepticism when someone wanted to fly down to take me on a date without having met him in person before. But it’s when you stop having expectations that life begins to unfold into the beautiful story it’s meant to become. At least it did for me.”

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