‘EWWW WHAT IS THAT? I saw it hanging out of my daughter’s chewing mouth, while she smiled smugly. I pulled it out and realized it was a HAIRY LEG OF AN INSECT.’: Mom’s hilarious run-in with insect has her freaking out

“‘Should I take her to the doctor?’ I start crying hysterically because I failed her, and now she’s going to be like that little boy on ‘Stranger Things’ and the bugs are gonna host her body and she’s going to doom us all to the Upside Down!”

‘We pulled into the cemetery. As she opened the door, there it was. Two vials of glitter.’: Widow finds humor in special way as she and daughter honor beloved late police officer 

“’Do you want to go see your dad?’ With her eyes swollen and her cheeks puffy from crying, she nodded. Once again, we didn’t have anything to leave behind. Then, there it was. I don’t doubt for one second he put it there to make sure we knew he was sending her a hug.”

‘We’re having a baby!’ My daughter ran the positive pregnancy test to her dad with the biggest smile.’: Mom adopts child from foster care in wake of infertility, gets pregnancy with her little brother

“‘Um, wait. What?’ We learned we’d been wildly misinformed about where Taylor was. She never went back to her mom like we were told. Instead, she went to 3 MORE foster homes, including one that lost their license for abusing children. Our frustration and anger with the system ran deep. We were here, ready, available and waiting for her. We didn’t understand how this could possibly happen.”

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