‘We got a call for an 8-month-old boy. There were no details. ‘If we’re going to do it, we might as well just do it!’: Woman details journey becoming foster parents

“They handed us a bottle and pacifier and said they didn’t have anything else, nor did they have any information on what he ate or any of his routine. As I looked down at him, a smile spread across his face and he let out a little giggle. ‘That’s fine. We’ll figure it out!’”

‘Your daughter is so lucky to have you.’ If people knew my story, they’d realize I’m the lucky one.’: Single mom shares foster daughter’s adoption journey

“My husband of 7 years told me he didn’t want kids. I was utterly shocked and confused. We had already started saving for their education. I contemplated my choices, none of which were part of my plan. Divorcing someone I loved didn’t seem fair, but life without a family didn’t make sense to me.”

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