‘Don’t you want a child of your own?’ I do have a child of my own. She’s our child in every sense of the word.’: Mom shares grief and anxiety in international adoption journey

“It was hard being in the dark, but it was even harder thinking over and over again we weren’t good enough to be chosen. Grief and anxiety cause irrational fears and feelings of unworthiness, which was exactly what I was tackling. My poor husband felt powerless to help.”

‘One more time, just one last time,’ he said. And on our final cycle, we successfully had our twin girls.’: After 8 cycles of IVF, triplet loss, couple welcome twin girls with autism, ‘We love without limits’

“After losing our sons, I remember telling Andrew I was done fighting, I just couldn’t endure another round of despair. Pregnancy after loss is scary and it’s hard. I was constantly battling grief and gratitude, the hard days mixed in with hope for the future, juggling the fears and joys all at the same time.”

On the left teen couple take maternity photos in matching maroon outfits, on the right teen mom snaps a photo of her medically complex newborn in the hospital

‘The fetus has a condition not yet recorded in medical history.’ Only a teen, I was told I couldn’t care for a child with special needs.’: Teen mom says ‘my heart glows’ after birthing medically complex child

“I noticed the ultrasound tech go back to his head and neck to rescan it. I brushed it off as first time mom fears. Then I got the call. ‘You should seriously consider your options here.’ I was now a high risk teen mom, who didn’t have a mom.”

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