‘I jumpstarted her car. ‘That’s what I’m talking ‘bout! Y’all don’t need no man!’ Then, my heart broke.’: Woman says ‘there is nothing wrong with needing and wanting your husband’

“I need him to bear the weight of family when my knees are buckling under depression. I need him to lift me up when fear causes me to back down. I need him to be the voice of reason when the chaos is deafening. Not only do I need him, but I want him.”

‘I started bleeding at 6 weeks pregnant. We braced ourselves for familiar bad news. ‘There are TWO heartbeats!’ I immediately burst into tears.’: Mom pregnant with ‘miracle twins’ after 8 pregnancy losses

“We lost 8 babies in a row. Just then, we received an unexpected call from a family member. ‘I’d love to be your surrogate!’ We turned her down. The odds were stacked against us, but we both felt a stirring in our hearts to try again. ‘Well, it’s positive! In fact, it’s VERY positive!’ I immediately burst into tears.”

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