Dear Mama: You Did A Million Little Things For Your Family Today, Whether Anyone Acknowledged It Or Not

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“To the mama that feels like you didn’t accomplish anything today…

There were a million little things that you said, that you noticed and that you did for your family today.

Whether anyone else acknowledged it or not.

If you were to write a list, beginning with the moment you opened your eyes this morning, and detailed

each and every little thing… you would run out of lines on the paper my dear.

And that list would be infinitely longer than that of the one you ‘didn’t accomplish…’

So maybe you didn’t get all the laundry folded.

Maybe there are still dishes in the sink.

Maybe you didn’t make time for that one thing you’ve really wanted to do.

But don’t let that side of the list define you… no.

You made the bottles and wiped the tears, bandaged the knees, laid out the school clothes, you helped

with the homework, you combed the hair, you fed them, and listened to the stories about their day.

You played and rocked and swayed and double-checked the appointments.

You found the lost shoe and you fed the pets.

You cuddled a sick child and set out the trash.

You helped tie the shoes and zip up the coats, you comforted them as they struggled to comfort themselves.

You read a story and you gave them a snack.

You washed their favorite cup and you sat through their favorite show, again.

You talked with your BIG kids and listened as they shared their hearts.

You wiped up the spill, and then you wiped up another 10 minutes later.

No, you didn’t finish everything you had hoped to accomplish, and now maybe you’re too tired to show

up for yourself in that small gap of time before you’re needed again…

But you were really great today.

They felt loved.

They felt cared for.

They felt safe.

And that is a direct reflection of some of your greatest accomplishments.

Well done.

Tomorrow is a new day.”

spilled milk on tile floor with pink cup
Courtesy of Mom Seeking Coffee

This story was submitted to Love What Matters  by Mom Seeking Coffee. You can follow her journey on Instagram and Facebook. Submit your own story hereand be sure to subscribe to our free email newsletter for our best stories, and YouTube for our best videos.

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