‘Don’t be anyone’s doormat. Don’t just stand there and be mistreated.’: Woman encourages to ‘keep being a nice person’ while staying ‘true to you’

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“It’s easy to overlook nice people.
It’s easy to step over nice people.
It’s easy to let nice people get pushed to the side.
It’s easy to cut in front of nice people and move them to the back of the line.
It’s easy to take advantage of nice people. .

Because seriously, they’re so nice. They won’t get mad. They won’t make a big deal about it. They will forgive quickly and painlessly, and they will make it easy to move past it.

They won’t call me out. They won’t call me names. They won’t talk bad about me to other people. They won’t give me what I deserve. They won’t seek revenge. They won’t stoop down to my level.

It’s easy to take advantage of nice people.

But it’s not easy to forget nice people, because in the end, they are the ones you are going to want to surround you. They are the ones you are going to want to keep as friends. They are the ones you are going to depend on for help when everyone else scatters like ants in the rain.

Keep being a nice person. Don’t be anyone’s doormat. Don’t just stand there and be mistreated. Don’t get hurt repeatedly and believe there’s nothing you can do about it. But stay true to you. Follow the goodness in your heart.

You’ll regret a lot of things in life, but I assure you, responding to someone with kindness and grace and love will never be one of them.

It may not be the easy thing to do. It may not be the popular thing to do. You may have to wait a long time for people to realize their mistakes, and honestly, an apology may never come your way.

You may not feel like it’s getting you very far in the moment, but I promise, you will be the one to cross the finish line standing upright and intact in the end.

Kindness doesn’t win every battle, but it always, always wins at life. (Also, you’ll sleep an awful lot better at night knowing you did the right thing, and sleep is a BEAUTIFUL thing.)”

Courtesy Amy Weatherly

This story was submitted to Love What Matters by Amy Weatherly. Follow Amy on Instagram here and Twitter here. Submit your story here, and be sure to subscribe to our best love stories here.

Read more from Amy here:


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