“Got stopped by OFFICER WELSH for an expired registration. He greeted me respectfully, and I gave him my license and the information he asked for (politely). He showed me the exact same respect I gave him.
As I was about to leave, to continue my 3 hour trip home from work, he told me to have a safe trip home.
I replied I was praying I made it home because I had just spent the last of my money on gas, and I wasn’t sure if I’d actually make it.
He told me to follow him back into town, so he could fill up my tank so I could make it home. After filling up my gas tank, he offered to buy me something to eat and drink.
I, respectfully, declined and thanked him for the offer. We, then, took this picture together, shook hands, and parted ways.
I prayed to God to allow me to make it home without running out of gas. Knowing that I’m doing the best I can, God answered my prayer with this blessing..”

This story was submitted to Love What Matters by Ken Harris. Submit your own story here, and subscribe to our best stories in our free newsletter here.
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