“To whoever sent this to me. Thank you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
A little back story:
As some of you may know I have an autoimmune disease that effects my heart, thyroid and immune system. It causes me to pass out, have seizures, and have stroke-like activity. On Sunday, while I was at work, I had what they called a Grand-Mal Seizure. It had to have been the worst one I’ve ever had. My lips were turning blue, my fingers were blue, I was completely unresponsive. I was taken by ambulance from work to Covenant ER in Saginaw, Michigan where I had an amazing team of nurses, doctors, and staff assisting me.
When I finally came to and had the all clear to leave, one of the male nurses had handed me my bag and said that I was all set to get dressed. I started pulling my belongings out of the hospital bag only to find out that not only were my work clothes cut, but so were both of my North Face coats.
I understood why they had to cut everything, to save my life of course, but seeing everything just cut to pieces shattered me. The warmest winter coat I’ve ever had was shredded. I wasn’t upset with anyone, just at the situation. While I sat there and sobbed, the nurse sat with me. Comforting me, consoling me, shocked and saddened with me.
When I left the hospital, the staff had put together clothes for me so that I could leave in, found anything warm that I could fit into and offered me anything and everything they had so that I didn’t go without.
As soon as I got home, I ordered another jacket online, I waited until today for it to arrive. When I went to check my mail, I noticed a strange package. Thinking that my coat came early and that the post office just forgot to change that it had been delivered on the tracking info, I opened it up to find the exact same coat that I had that was cut. The same style, size and everything, right down to my favorite color. I called and asked people around me that knew what had happened on Sunday and no one had any idea as to what I was talking about. So eventually I called Amazon (since that’s where the package was from) and asked if they had any information on who may have sent it. All they could tell me was that it was a male. And every name that I listed off wasn’t the person who sent it to me.
If you’re reading this, and you’re the person who sent it to me. Thank you. Seriously thank you from the bottom of my heart. You are such a kind soul and have no idea how much this means to me. I would love to pay it forward or pay you back for such a kind gesture. I’m making this public, so please share. I want to find out who did this for me and personally thank them in person.”

This story was submitted to Love What Matters by Ashleigh Nicole of Michigan. Do you have a similar experience? We’d like to hear your important journey. Submit your own story here. Be sure to subscribe to our free email newsletter for our best stories, and YouTube for our best videos.
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