‘My shortness of breath got worse. Then came the fever and cough. I was told at the ER, ‘You have lung damage.’ I finally broke down and cried.’: Mom struggling to recover from COVID-19 pleads ‘please don’t underestimate how horrible this illness is’

This is a follow up to Mary’s story about her health care worker husband’s COVID-19 diagnosis. To read the previous story, please click here.

“It was a ROUGH day.

Out of nowhere, I got VERY sick this afternoon. My tachycardia has been relentless, my shortness of breath has gotten worse, and now we’ve added fever and cough. Oh, and confusion.

This could be a symptom of motherhood, but let’s classify it under Rona, for science’s sake.

I guess I’m just now joining the party, which stinks. We really hoped our household was on the upswing.

The silver lining is Ian seems to be fighting back like a CHAMP. He’s still quite sick, but comparatively much better. So he will be playing default parent tomorrow.

So, here I am…

I just woke up to a stern lecture from Nugget. He was not happy with the way today played out. My stats were absolutely awful this morning, so Ian sent my butt to the ER.

The good news is I have no clots, which was the primary (emergency) concern. I do have a little pneumonia, and the whole classic ‘COVID lung’ which sounds like something fancy but feels like someone stomping on your chest.

I was treated by a smart freaking doctor who also happens to be a friend, which was a comfort considering the rest of the day getting tests and what not was spent alone.

I have freaking lung damage that I hope will improve over time. COVID sucks, people. This is NOT the flu. Please don’t underestimate how horrible this illness is.

I finally broke down and cried. When you’re sick you want your mama, your sister, your brother, your dad, your friends. You want your support system.

COVID is ISOLATING. And I can’t decide if that’s the hardest part of all of this, but right now it kinda feels like it.

Anyways, my son just finished lecturing me that I will never get well if I don’t start eating better. I guess I’ll eat this banana (it appears someone already nibbled on it) and try a little harder.

Thanks for the continued prayers. Ian is being a champ, still recovering and taking care of the kids.

We feel supported and appreciate everyone.”

To read the original story that began this journey, please click here.

Courtesy Mary Katherine Backstrom

This story was submitted to Love What Matters by Mary Katherine Backstrom. Mary’s book Mom Babble: The Messy Truth about Motherhood is available here. Submit your story here, and be sure to subscribe to our best love stories here.

Read more from Mary here: 

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