“Since the majority of you are now homeschooling, I thought I would share a couple of tips I have learned over the years…
You were your child’s first teacher. You are equipt to do this. Anything you don’t know, just Google it.
Odds are that 20 years from now they probably won’t remember half of the academic lessons you taught them, but they will remember the time they got to spend with you. Make the most of that time.
Stop comparing yourself to Susan. Susan may have completed 28 crafts with her 6-year-old, taught her how to read Spanish fluently, planted an organic garden, and had her memorize the entire periodic table all before lunch and that’s great! However, if all you did was feed your child fruit loops and sit on the couch to read with him, that’s equally as great! Be you!
Let go of expectations. When you live without expectations then life is full of surprises!
Be patient and give yourself grace. When you get to the point where you think ‘I cannot do this another day,’ I want you to get on your hands and knees and thank God for the person who invented Disney Plus.
Lastly, YOU. CAN. DO. THIS.
Hang in there friends. We are in this together.”

This story was submitted to Love What Matters by Leslie Granofsky. Submit your own story here and be sure to subscribe to our free email newsletter for our best stories, and YouTube for our best videos.
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