“Listen up young ones. This is what your knight in shining armor looks like when you are in your 40s.
Yes, that’s my amazing husband who is arriving on the scene with his credit card because what you can’t see is me, standing next to a cart super full of groceries that I couldn’t pay for because I couldn’t find my wallet.
Not sure you can tell, but he’s smiling at me. Yup…he had to leave work and he is smiling. His only words of admonishment were, ‘You’re not supposed to be grocery shopping; I said I’d go this week.’
Young people, this is what love looks like when you’re old and it’s ridiculous how awesome it is.
Love also looks like me coming downstairs to a full pot of coffee every morning because coffee is love.
Love looks like all the lunches being made already so I can enjoy that aforementioned cup of coffee.
Love looks like someone washing the dishes while his wife catches up on ‘This is Us’, while plopped on the couch not helping at all.
Love looks like a super patient dad doing the 5-year-old’s homework with him every morning so I can get to work on time.
Love looks like running to the store before bedtime after your wife has forgotten to buy milk; because you know the morning will be easier if we can serve up some cereal.
And you guys, there were signs it would be this way! So, I have tips for you:
In college, this love looked like boyfriend ‘Todd’ running to the store for a danish I was craving, or watching me and my friends on the dance floor long after he wanted to leave the bar, or him being known across campus by the flower backpack he was carrying—which of course, was mine.
Young people, listen:
Do not be fooled by big, showy promposals and giant cards with candy bars glued to them with some cute saying or by your name spelled in pepperoni by a boy who’s asking you to homecoming.
That isn’t the stuff that lasts and let’s be honest…moms are totally helping them with those things.
Watch how he treats you when Instagram isn’t looking.
That is where the signs are.
Choose the man who will carry your too heavy flowered backpack in public because he will also be the man who bails you out at ALDI’s when you’re 40-? with a smile and a hug.
And that my friends is true love.”

This story was submitted to Love What Matters by Amy Betters-Midtvedt. Follow Amy on Facebook and Instagram. Subscribe to our free email newsletter, Living Better—your ultimate guide for actionable insights, evidence backed advice, and captivating personal stories, propelling you forward to living a more fulfilling life.
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