To My Firstborn: I Hope You Know I Didn’t Forget About You

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“To my firstborn:

I hope you know I didn’t forget about you.

I didn’t forget about our time together before your little sister joined us.

I didn’t forget all the memories we’ve made the past two years.

And I certainly didn’t forget the way you giggle when I chase you, smile when you see me, beam with excitement when you see trucks and wrap me in those little arms of yours as I kiss your chubby cheeks.


I might have to divide my time now.

I might have to hold your sister more.

I might have to feed her instead of playing with you.

But I didn’t forget about you.

We might only get a few fleeting moments together right now, but I didn’t forget about you.


You will always be my firstborn.

My baby boy.

The one who made me a momma.

The one who shaped me, taught me, and helped me grow in more ways than one.

The one who opened my heart, my eyes, and my arms to a love bigger than I could ever imagine.

And I will never forget about you.”


This story was submitted to Love What Matters by Kelsey Willey from St. Louis, MO. You can follow her journey on Instagram and her websiteSubmit your own story here, and be sure to subscribe to our free email newsletter for our best stories.

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