“I remember thinking he is going to have to work for this kill. I had a chance to stop him and thankfully I stopped him.”
- Love What Matters
- Heroes
“I remember thinking he is going to have to work for this kill. I had a chance to stop him and thankfully I stopped him.”
“There is a dirty little secret that most people don’t know. But ask a Title 1 teacher about it, and they’ll nod.”
“Not everything in this world is lost.”
“He said, ‘Ma’am, would you like to be my chauffeur tomorrow for my girlfriend’s prom?’ I smiled because I liked his gutsy move and his charm. I decided without anything other than gut instinct to turn the car around and go talk to this kid. His name, I learned, was Jonathan.”
“I felt wonderful about bringing her dad’s heart (from New Jersey) to Pittsburgh. If I had to, I would’ve walked.”
“If there is any way you can make it work to stay home with your babies–and if your heart is called to do so–I encourage you to take that leap of faith.”
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“My baby sister was so bad she had to use special oil and be wrapped in plastic wrap at nighttime.”
“Over the past nine months, I have been able to help feed seven other babies who needed milk when their mamas were either in the hospital or their supply was low.”
“I look up and the troopers, without hesitation, are opening their wallets and handing over their credit cards.”