‘I was raped by my pastor and got pregnant. I looked at him like my father.’: Mother-daughter duo is determined to ‘inspire’ and ‘be grateful’ despite cerebral palsy, strokes, Crohn’s disease

“When I saw her, I realized she wasn’t his, she was mine. I knew I had to protect her, so my ex-husband stepped up to be her dad. We both knew my pastor would destroy her. I was also terrified of what he would do to me if I told anyone. She was born 2 months early with cerebral palsy. She was so pretty and helpless, and my body destroyed her. I knew I would do anything I could to give her the best head start possible.”

A Letter To Our Fearless Surrogate

“One day when our boys are older, we will tell them the story of the very first superhero in our family—the courageous woman, the rockstar, the pregnancy goddess, who carried them into the world. And they will be amazed, as we all are, to know a real superhero.”

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