‘I need a friend,’ she said. That’s all she had to say.’: Woman urges others ‘if you need one, too, tell someone’

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“‘I need a friend.’

That’s all she had to say.

Courtesy of Nicole Merritt

That’s all anyone should need to say before someone, anyone, steps up to the plate, steps into the ring, and helps another take the steps they need.

‘I need a friend,’ she said, and the truth is, I do, too.

So do her kids, and so do mine.

Ain’t nothing like a pandemic, social distancing recommendations, and political turmoil to bring our differences to light, and pin people against one another.

But you don’t have to fall into the trap that is self-righteousness, close-mindedness, and standing in judgment of others.

Instead, be a rock-steady ball of grace and compassion, and throw that -ish around like confetti, sprinkling it on the unsuspecting, bringing them a little bit of comfort, a lot a bit of understanding, and bringing human decency to the virtual or in-person table, and the conversations had around it.

‘I need a friend.’

That’s what she said.

And how freakin’  authentic, honest, and brave she is for admitting what some cannot?

That this ‘new normal’ is physically and emotionally exhausting, and that sometimes, more than coffee, wine, quiet, a vacation or some self-care, what we really need is human connection with good people.

‘I need a friend.’

That’s what she said.

And I hope if you need one, too,  you tell someone,  ’cause I can promise you this –  someone is always listening.”

Courtesy of Nicole Merritt

This story was submitted to Love What Matters by Nicole Merritt of Jthreenme, where the post originally appeared. You can follow her on Facebook, her website, or podcastDo you have a similar experience? We’d like to hear your important journey. Submit your own story here. Be sure to subscribe to our free email newsletter for our best stories, and YouTube for our best videos.

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