‘Instead of rushing off to work, roll over for a minute and kiss your wife. Like, REALLY kiss her.’: Mom urges ‘real passion doesn’t begin at bedtime, but in the little moments of connection’

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Husbands, I have a few…tips.

1. Instead of sleeping in or rushing off to work, roll over for a minute and kiss your wife. Like, reeeeaaaallly kiss her (this may work in your favor RIGHT on the spot).

2. Catch her in the closet while she changes clothes and let your eyes linger. Then tell her she’s even more beautiful now than the day you first saw her.

3. Shoot her a text from work to say, ‘I sure LOVE doing life with you.’

4. When you get home, wrap your arms around her waist and lightly kiss the back of her neck while she’s cooking at the stove. Then ask about her day and really listen to her response.

5. Help with bedtime. And once the kids are tucked into bed as she flops down on the couch exhausted from a long, hard day say, ‘I probably don’t tell you often enough, but you’re a really great mom.’

Listen, I’m not asking you to tick down a checklist to get your wife in the sack. But sometimes we forget what it’s like to feel beautiful and sexy.

Mostly we’re tired and haven’t showered and thinking about whether we have something to pack in tomorrow’s lunch because we didn’t make it to the store. Again.

By bedtime we’re completely ‘touched out’ by needy kids.

And we’re probably already running the mental checklist of what tomorrow will bring.

Sometimes we just forget about passion!

The truth is, for us REAL passion doesn’t begin at bedtime but in the little moments of connection throughout the day.

And during this busy Kid Stage of life, those little moments are often up to YOU!

Kiss her. Appreciate her. Listen. Help out. And reeeaaaally notice how amazing she is.

Then when you give the look on the way up to bed that says, ‘Hey, you wanna???’

I bet her look back will say, ‘I’ve been waiting ALL day for bedtime, and tonight it has nothing to do with sleep!!!’”

Husband passionately kisses his wife like a scene out of The Notebook
Courtesy of Mikala Albertson

This story was submitted to Love What Matters by Mikala Albertson of Ordinary on Purpose. Follow her on Facebook, Instagram, and visit her website. Submit your own story here. Be sure to subscribe to our free email newsletter for our best stories, and YouTube for our best videos.

Read more from Mikala here:

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