“‘It goes by so fast,’ they say.
No, they don’t mean the days of early rising and late-night feedings.
They are not referring to the thousands of diaper changes or the mountainous loads of laundry you will tackle.
They’re talking about these moments.
These times when your little one is fast asleep, only because they can feel you are near. And they know they are safe and loved.
These moments.
They are not referring to the times when you are dealing with a temper tantrum of the most epic proportion.
They don’t mean the days of cleaning up messy floors and washing sticky handprints off the windows.
They’re talking about these moments.
The ones that fill your eyes with tears because you know how quickly they will be over.
These times when your baby still crawls into your lap and wants to snuggle.
These moments.
They’re not talking about the days that you feel like you are failing.
When you question every decision and wonder if you are enough.
No, they are talking about these moments.
The ones that make you feel like your heart is going to burst with love.
The moments that make you forget about everything else from that day.
These moments.
The moments that confirm that this life, this tiny person your holding….this is it, folks.
Right here, in your arms—this is everything.
So live for these moments, Mama.
They truly do, go by so fast.”

This story was submitted to Love What Matters by Cassie Hilt. You can follow her journey on Facebook. Submit your own story here and be sure to subscribe to our free email newsletter for our best stories, and YouTube for our best videos.
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