“A little while back, my girlfriends and I had decided to have a girl’s night out in Montreal. So, we got ready and headed out of town, eventually finding ourselves at a casino.
As most girls know, bathroom trips are often taken in groups. Just before leaving the casino bathroom, and finishing up applying our last coats of lip gloss, an older lady walked in and approached me. ‘It’s so nice to see girls out having fun and looking so beautiful. I remember the times when my own girlfriends and I would get all dressed up and go out. I sure miss that.’ She looked down, sad.
Her words caught me off guard. In today’s society, it is so rare to be approached with such vulnerability. ‘You look beautiful yourself,’ I told her. ‘But…why miss it? We’re all friends here. And we’re all here now, aren’t we? You have nothing to long for!’ She was as caught off guard by my response as I’d been when she first approached me.
So, we stayed in the bathroom and kept chatting. She told me all about herself and I told her about me. We decided to take pictures together in light of our new friendship. Her happiness was utterly infectious.

When we eventually left the bathroom, I said, ‘Why don’t you come out with my friends and I?’ I’ll never forget how her face lit up. She smiled this unforgettable smile. ‘I have to head home. It’s nearing 11 p.m. and my husband’s waiting.’ I didn’t get her number, but I will never forget her. She was the sweetest lady.
It was such a small gesture, one that surely anyone could incorporate into their lives. Whether it be opening the door for someone, giving a random compliment, or lending a hand to someone carrying their groceries, you never know whose life you could change. It costs nothing to be kind. Needless to say, it was one of my favorite nights.”
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This story was submitted to Love What Matters by Mahri Smith. You can follow her journey on Instagram here. Submit your own story here and be sure to subscribe to our free email newsletter for our best stories.
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